Daily Schedule

Warm Weather

8:30 Arrival outdoors
9:00 Snack outdoors
9:30 Free play outdoors
10:30 Circle indoors
10:45 Free play indoors
11:45 Lunch
12:30 Rest time
​1:30 Books/puzzled/art for children who do not sleep.  
2:30 Snack
2:45 Outdoors at play ground or park
3:30 Departure in summer
4:00 Departure during school year

Cold Weather

8:30 Arrival  
8:45 Snack 
9:00 Circle
9:15 Free play indoors
10:30 Outdoors at playground or park
11:45 Lunch
12:30 Rest time
1:30 books/puzzles/art for children who do not sleep
2:30 Snack
2:45 Outdoors at playground or park
​3:30 Departure (summer)
4:00 Departure during school year

This schedule allows for 3 hours of indoor time and 3 hours 45 minutes of outdoor time weather pending.  If the weather is too hot, too cold, or bad air quality we will adjust this as needed.  We do have an indoor gross motor room available.