Astrology and Play

Here is one example of how I use astrology:

In the first picture above, you will see a chart with lots of different interest areas on it. Children get to use a clothespin to pick where they choose to play. It builds the fire element. 

I have a child attending who feels safe and secure when she is allowed to follow her curiosity (moon in Sagittarius).

She feels nurtured when she follows a plan and sees her accomplishments (Capricorn). She is four and she brings in a stuffy everyday called bunny. 

She asked me one day for clothespins. So I gave them to her (remember, I'm here to support her with her curiosity). She wrote the name "bunny" on two of them, grabbed a card stock card and started coloring. She told me that bunny needs a job chart, too (second photo). So bunny was placed in front of the chart and proceeds to pick her job. Oh good job said the little girl!

Why is this significant? 

First, because I am allowing her the freedom to follow her curiosity. I did not ask her what the clothespins were for, I did not tell her no, I trusted her. With her, my job is to allow. This makes her feel safe and secure in the world.

Second, I see that the job chart is helping her create and maintain a plan for the day. This feels nurturing to her. She learns to trust me.

Third, she is showing exactly what we do as parents for our children. We nurture them in the way we like to be nurtured. This little girl loves to be nurtured through planning and execution. But bunny (or, your child) may not feel nurtured this way and may (most likely will) need her (parent) to nurture her in other ways. She is doing what she knows feels good to her, but maybe it doesn't feel good to bunny. Maybe it does. We can take a look if bunny had a birth chart, lol. You get my point.

This is the secret sauce...awareness. She is simply playing out what we all do. Fascinating. I would love to help and support more families, you don't have to be alone. Lets work together!